Interface cables for process analytics

For commissioning and maintenance of 2- and 4-wire HART® devices

  • Direct field device connection from a PC
  • USB cables for offline calibration and configuration of digital HART® sensors (e.g. SMARTPAT analytical sensors)
  • Wide range of adapter cables available



USB interface adapter for HART® field devices

  • Designed for measurements, commissioning, parameterisation, maintenance and calibration of 2-wire and 4-wire HART® field devices via a PC
  • Integrated 24 VDC supply enables operation of 2-wire HART® field instruments, e.g. for the offline calibration of SMARTPAT analytical sensors
  • Parameterisation without process interruption: Passive HART® modem functionality via Minigrabber® adapter cable
  • Connection status, communication status and indication for 4...20mA current loop via integrated LEDs